Plot Synopsis
Risa Shiroki (Haruka Fukuhara) is a 20-year-old university student. She came to Tokyo from her hometown in the countryside to attend a university. Although Risa Shiroki is pretty and popular with male students, she has never had a boyfriend. She dreams of having a sweet love. One day, Hiroto Fukami (Dori Sakurada) appears in front of her in a suit. He is a 30-year-old business man. He is gentle and looks perfect. Risa Shiroki and Hiroto Fukami fall in love, but Hiroto Fukami has a dark past.
Risa Shiroki (Haruka Fukuhara) is a 20-year-old university student. She came to Tokyo from her hometown in the countryside to attend a university. Although Risa Shiroki is pretty and popular with male students, she has never had a boyfriend. She dreams of having a sweet love. One day, Hiroto Fukami (Dori Sakurada) appears in front of her in a suit. He is a 30-year-old business man. He is gentle and looks perfect. Risa Shiroki and Hiroto Fukami fall in love, but Hiroto Fukami has a dark past.
Drama: Coffee & Vanilla
Romaji: Kohi & Banira
Japanese: コーヒー&バニラ
Director: Smith
Writer: Takara Akegami (manga), Yuko Shimoda
Network: MBS
Release Date: July 4, 2019 —
Runtime: Thursdays 24:59
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
Romaji: Kohi & Banira
Japanese: コーヒー&バニラ
Director: Smith
Writer: Takara Akegami (manga), Yuko Shimoda
Network: MBS
Release Date: July 4, 2019 —
Runtime: Thursdays 24:59
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
Based on manga series “Coffee & Vanilla” by Takara Akegami (first published 2015 in manga magazine Cheese).
Based on manga series “Coffee & Vanilla” by Takara Akegami (first published 2015 in manga magazine Cheese).
Haruka Fukuhara
Dori Sakurada
Mario Kuroba
Yuuki Ogoe
Shogo Hama
Noa Kita
Link Download WEB-DL
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
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